A survey by the National Landlords Association has found that 50% of landlords have experienced rental arrears in the last six months and 37% are worried about the likelihood of arrears in the months to come.
546 landlords were asked about their experiences in the rental market this year and rental arrears came out as the major headache. This was closely followed a large proportion of landlords worrying about possible problems with rent collection on their property portfolios in the future.
Private landlords are a key part of the investment mix required to meet the rising need for more flexible forms of housing at a time when demand for rented accommodation far outstrips supply. It is therefore worrying that so many have experienced problems in collecting rent.
With controversial benefit changes happening in April 2013 landlords face further problems with rent collection. Under government plans council tenants will be paid one Universal Credit – from which they must pay their rent themselves – rather than the current system where anyone on Housing Benefit currently has their rent paid directly to a landlord.
If you’re worried about rental arrears with your properties then the The Landlord Syndicate can help. See our tenant eviction services for more details: http://www.landlordaction.co.uk/site.php