London Assembly’s housing and regeneration committee is conducting a wide-ranging investigation into London’s private rented sector.
In particular they are looking at what the mayor of London and individual boroughs should be doing to raise standards and improve quality across the private rented sector.
London boroughs are the most expensive in England with the average rent for a two-bedroom home in the capital topping £1,360 – almost two-and-a-half times the average in the rest of the country.
Private landlords are becoming under increasing pressure to raise the standard of accommodation, maintain reasonable rents and reduce charges such as letting fees.
The London assembly is responding to news that 39% of private rented homes do not meet the decent homes standard and complaints against private landlords have risen by nearly 50% since 2008.
The feeling amongst industry experts is also that it’s time to seriously look at a range of proposals and their implications for the sector.