New housing minister Mark Prisk has decided to override the policy of his predecessor to order MPs to conduct an inquiry in to buy to let housing.
Landlord insurance – Rebuild costs
Landlords are often confused between the rebuild cost and market value of their investment property needed for buy to let insurance.
10 tips for buying buy to let property
Buy to let is still key to retirement plans for many – with the prospect of rents or a capital lump sum from selling a property supplementing pension income attracting many with little faith in other forms of saving.
Rising yields disguise buy to let market
Landlords are picking up increasing yields from their buy to let portfolios – but the rising figures are masking the real state of the market.
Campaign to upgrade 1m buy to let homes
A new venture aims to upgrade around a million buy to let homes that offer tenants allegedly poor living standards over the next five years.
Starting a property business
Starting a property business involves more than waking up one morning and starting to collect some rents.
Aborted property buying costs
As aborted house purchases outstrip completed sales by around two to one, according to figures from conveyancers In.Deed, property investors are racking up average costs of £5,500 for every deal that fails to go through.
What is property tax?
Property tax is the catch-all term for a whole range of different laws, regulations and court cases that have evolved over the years for landlords and developers.
Deciding what sort of property business you run
Deciding what sort of property business you run – and how much what type and when tax is paid is not up to a homeowner, it depends on the property use.
UK Property Business
A UK property business is the buy to let rental of commercial and residential property.