It might be a tempting way to save cash but landlords are being warned that producing their own inventory may see them make common mistakes which could lead to a costly tenant dispute. The warning comes from Imfuna Let who say that the mistakes are made at tenant check-in and […]
Property damage affects “400,000 landlords”
According to the National Landlord’s Association (NLA), around 400,000 landlords have had tenants damage their property in the last year. That’s around 29% of all UK landlords and, the NLA claims, around 120,000 landlords or 8% have had to make an insurance claim as a result. This means that the […]
Seven tips on spotting a troublesome tenant
Every landlord gets lumbered with a troublesome tenant at some point, but is there a magic formula to cut the risk?
Greater risk of disputes as 65 % of landlords carrying out …
Research revealed in a live broadcast on, a live web TV show providing advice and guidance for landlords, has found that 65 percent of landlords carry out their own ‘schedule of condition’ inventories, which experts say is exposing them to greater risk of deposit disputes. The independent survey carried […]
Who pays for rental property damage?
Who pays for putting right damage at a rental property depends on what has gone wrong.
How to take a letting property inventory
Taking an inventory when a tenant moves in to a home is one of the cornerstones of sound letting property management.