A new ruling by judges could change how landlords claim mileage expenses when travelling between their home and rental properties.
Councils to ‘approve’ professional landlords
Bournemouth Council has launched one of England’s first accredited landlord registers in a bid to tackle poorly-maintained properties and anti-social behaviour.
Buy-to-let lenders pile on mortgage fees
Buy to let mortgage rates may be falling – but the cost of loans is still expensive as lenders pile on fees.
HMO landlords fined for flouting fire safety
Shared house landlords must pay more than £5,000 in fines and costs for flouting fire safety laws in a house in multiple occupation (HMO).
Landlord sued for millions after stair fall
A landlord insurer is facing a multi-million pound pay out after someone visiting a tenant in a rented property fell down a flight of stairs.
Landlord perplexed over HMO overcrowding row
A shared house landlord is threatened with prosecution because she rented her property to too many people, despite asking council repeatedly to rehouse tenants.
Landlord register is expensive failure in Scotland
A landlord register that has cost £18 million in fees and running costs has seen just 11 bad landlords reported for prosecution in six years.
Landlords paying salaries and wages
Salaries and wages are costs for a private rental property rental business just like any other business – but don’t forget some key rules.
Slum landlord back in court for more HMO offences
Slum landlord Mehmet Parlak has faced magistrates for the second time in two months for housing families in dangerous and squalid shared bedsit homes.
Green Deal ready to go for landlords
Get ready for the Green Deal for landlords – the long-awaited incentive to improve the energy efficiency of rented homes at the cost of the tenant.